The Bean Bag Food Program

Ending Food Insecurity, One Bag at a Time

The Bean Bag Food Program strives to fill the gap of hunger that children face when they are not in school. We partner with schools in the Souderton Area, Quakertown Community, and North Penn School Districts to provide weekly backpacks filled with food to help children and families in need get through the weekend.

100% of all donations are used to purchase food for children in our community unless you choose to support our operations fund.

Established in 2016

Stopping Hunger So Kids Can Focus, Learn, and Succeed.

For too many children, school-provided meals may be the only meal they eat during a typical week. In those cases, weekends are a critical gap where children facing food insecurity go hungry, which not only affects diet and physical health, but also mental and social development.

Serving students preschool – 12 in Souderton, North Penn, and Quakertown Community Schools, we provide backpacks of meals for those most vulnerable in our community. Learn more about our story and how we work.


Make a Difference Today

Learn more about volunteering opportunities, upcoming events, and ways to make direct food donations.

Do you know a child or family that may be affected? Are you a local business owner looking to partner with us?

Reach out and get involved today!

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“Thanks to our connection with this family, I was able to help Mom get in contact with the clinic that will get the kids health insurance, connect them with Keystone Opportunity Center, and explain the registrations process for kindergarten. Some kids are falling through the cracks elsewhere and I’m so thankful BBFP is catching them!” – Leanne, Bean Bag Food Program Board Member

Thanks so much for everything you do. It really has made a huge difference for my family. My children always look forward to Bean Bag Day and I equally appreciate the community help.” – a BBFP participant mom

“Bean Bag Food Program has become a community outreach that the Franconia Cafe can really get behind. We deal with the food world every day and can unknowingly overlook the fact that many are food insufficient.  Providing needs for children is so basic and something everyone can support.  The 100 Box Challenge has been a great experience for us as a company.” – Andy & Pam Brunner, Franconia Café Owners

Quakertown School District
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